artificial intelligence

Is AI Right for My Business?

Is AI Right for My Business?

AI is a popular buzzword right now in marketing and other aspects of business. AI is probably right for most businesses in some capacity, especially if protection is layered into the tools. Salesforce, for example, is building an AI environment on top of Open AI that allows its customers to use AI within the Salesforce ecosystem, while protecting their data and the data of their end users. Even without a protected environment, AI is being integrated into many of the tools we use at work every day. Google now uses Generative AI to render summarized search results. Creepy? Maybe? In the end, the search users get to decide and will tell Google if they’ve gone too far. If users begin to search using other platforms, that sends a clear message.

AI is capable of automating tasks quickly and with accuracy if the prompts you provide the tools are specific and accurate, but still relies on a human behind the keyboard to provide prompts and direction. To prove the point, I had ChatGPT write the following using the following prompt: “Write me a blog article about AI in marketing and the benefits and drawbacks of using AI”