Design Your Content Writing Process

If you create consistent content for your website and social media posts, you know how time consuming it can be. If you design a process and develop a schedule, you can make copy writing and content creation easier and faster. Here are some suggestions that you can implement to streamline your content writing. Use these tips to design a process that works for you.

Create a Topic List: Create a running list of topics that you can write about on your website, blog, and in your social media posts. I use Evernote for this so that I can add topics from my phone and keep them all on one list. You can use your word processor or even sticky notes. Whatever works for you. Take ideas from your clients or customers. As they ask questions about your offering or the actual purchase process, consider whether these questions relate to your entire audience. If so, you might want to create a blog post or curate articles for your social media posts. Take ideas from articles that you see on Facebook or Twitter, too. You might see an article that you want to dispute or you may want to provide deeper insight on a topic that someone else covered recently. Take ideas from Google as well. As you search for your keywords, look for something that comes up as a frequent search. If your audience is frequently searching for information on a topic, perhaps you should write about that topic.

Choose Images: Take photographs of your work space and your products. If you offer an ecourse, use some of the worksheets in a styled photo. You may need or want to use those images in your marketing materials, website, and social media. As you come across stock images that you like, save them. You never know when you might need a similar image for your website or your posts. You might not want to use a stock image on Instagram, but it might be perfect for a Facebook post. Keep a running stock of images so that you do not always have to search on the day you write your content. If you do not have right image on hand for your content, use a resource like Pixabay to get great free stock images or join Death to Stock premium for access to their images for a small fee.

Write Copy: When it comes to writing copy, it's important to set aside time to work. Schedule a block of time on your calendar to write for your website and your social media accounts. It takes time and energy to switch from one task to another, so it is helpful to write multiple social media posts and blog posts at a time. If you can block off two hours twice a week, you'll be surprised by how much you can write, especially as you become more comfortable. Sometimes, you might not be able to make much headway on a topic during your scheduled writing time. Write anyway. Even if you edit out everything you write, it's not wasted time. The more often you write, the easier it will become. Especially if you are consistent. If you always write first thing in the morning or on a specific day, you will naturally fall into that mindset. Over time, you'll even accomplish more in the same amount of time. 

Edit: If you have an email newsletter that goes out on Thursday morning, you should not write it Thursday morning. It is important to edit your work, especially if you send something to your customers. Plan ahead so that you can look at each piece of content at least twice before your audience sees it.

A good schedule for that Thursday newsletter might be:

  • Monday: Write your first draft and choose your header image.
  • Wednesday: Edit your initial draft for content.
  • Thursday: Edit your final draft for grammar and spelling and press send.

If you plan to create your own content, develop a strong writing process early. Start writing before you launch your website or start collecting emails for a newsletter. If you do, writing will be easier by the time you need to address your audience regularly.