A quick intro to Silver Shade Group:
Most of my blogs will contain general information about marketing or answer common brand, product, and digital marketing questions, but for today, I offer a little about me and why I started (and am qualified to run) this company. I am a marketing and branding professional with 15 years of industry experience. This year, I decided to create a company to formalize the consulting work that I was already doing. In addition to marketing consulting, I own an arts & crafts subscription box company called Twined. I built that and another business from the ground up and learned many lessons along the way. I have worked in companies of every size, from my tiny one-woman start-up that has grown immensely to family-owned mid-sized companies to multinational retailers and B-to-B distributors. My focus now is on small and mid-sized companies where a few moderate changes can mean a huge impact to the bottom line through measurable results and sustainable growth. Silver Shade Group is a full-service marketing firm based in Charlotte, NC. We help companies define their brand, build a strong product assortment, and improve their presence online.
You can get in touch with me by filling out the web contact form here.