Customer Identification

Create a Customer Profile to Maximize Your Marketing Efforts

Create a Customer Profile to Maximize Your Marketing Efforts

Your customer should be at the center of your business and your marketing messages. If you take the time to identify your customer and create a customer profile (also called an avatar) that embodies your ideal customers or clients, you can create more directed messages that speak to that specific customer group.

Create a Simple Customer Journey Map: A Step-By-Step Guide

Create a Simple Customer Journey Map: A Step-By-Step Guide

If you sell a product or service with a long buying process, your business may greatly benefit by creating a customer or user journey map. Your map can be used to create messages that resonate with your customers at the right time in their purchasing process.

A user journey map can essentially be broken into two parts: Who are your customers? In what stage of the buying process are those customers?

Identify Your Core Customers

Identify Your Core Customers

Customers are at the heart of your business. Without them, you have no sales, which means you have nothing at all. Identifying your core customers will help you grow your business.

Your core customers are the base of your customer group and the people for whom you should write your marketing messages. Your core customers are the people who value your products and services most.